Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Your Imaginary Friend.

Once upon a daylight dream; there was a young child. If my knowledge is correct, the child was a little eight year old girl. She was a loner in her elementary school, not many friends did she have. Although, she did have one. She played with him every day at recess. His name was Matthias, but the girl only called him Matty, mostly because, to be frank, it was easier for any eight year old to say. The girl began to like Matty a lot though. In our society of older people, we would know this as to be a crush.

One day, when the two were in her backyard, playing hide-and-seek, the girl witnessed her best friend vanish into thin air. Slowly did he vanish, but vanish he did. No, this wasn't magic, or even science for that matter. Matty had always just been a figment of the girl's imagination. Her very own imaginary friend.

The girl was sad for days on end about the situation. She called for Matty many times, hoping he'd just show up one day ready to continue the game of hide-and-seek that was left unfinished. But alas, her imaginary friend never returned.

Years went by, and the girl began to grow older, slowly forgetting her best friend Matthias. She entered junior high, and then started high school when she was fourteen, almost fifteen. By that time, she had forgotten Matthias almost completely. But on her first day of high school, she saw someone who reminded her distinctly of someone she had previously known. It looked like Matthias, but older. Not that she had realized that at the time. She only had noted how he looked familiar.

She soon saw that the boy was in her classes, and she found out his name was Matt, short for Matthias. This made the girl wonder, and after class, she tried to talk to him. She figured he was who she thought he was, so she tried to hang out with him more.

One day, she told him about her past, about the young imaginary boy who looked almost exactly like him who she used to play with. He somehow remember playing with her, but he couldn't touch her becauase he wasn't... real.

It was the weirdest moment ever. But the girl and Matthias began to talk even more. They became an 'item' as teens would say, and the girl was so happy because her imaginary dream friend was real. He was perfect, and he was real. And he was hers.

Forever, Mister Owl

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