Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The zombie that didn't like brains

There once was a zombie. His name was Freddie. He didn't like brains, not one bit. Freddie was more of a heart person. He was fascinated by how the heart beats and circulates blood through the living's bodies.

Since Freddie didn't like brains, he was exiled by the Zombie Council. He was to roam the tundra of Canada, since no one likes the cold of Canada. Freddie roamed the tundra, he found a hut and in that hut was a man. He was an old man, his hair were turning into icicles. Freddie knocked on the window, the man jumped and his heart skipped a beat. The zombie opened the door, walking over to the man. He pointed to his chest to where his heart would be. The old man just laid there, horrified. Freddie pointed to the old man's chest. The old man scurried away, into a corner.

Freddie didn't understand what the man was doing. He shuffled over to the man, grabbing a knife that was on a counter above the old man. Freddie cut a heart into the old man's chest were is heart was suppose to be. He plunged his hand into the man's chest and grabbed the heart. It was beating slowly.

Forever, Mister Owl

ps- I'm sorry, it's kind of gruesome and really short. It's just something on my mind right now. Good night.

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